Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Site assignments and Schedule

Here are proposed site sharing arrangements so you know where to set up when you arrive. Remember...these are SITE sharing, not TENT sharing. Please see the post below on suggestions to make site sharing easier.

19 Ingram, Ballestedt (2 rigs, ..this is where we will be jamming) 3 people total--We will likely squeeze another car in here too
22 Horner, Cole, Onishi 5 people
23 Ogle, Meleo, Fogel (Sat nite only) 6-8 people (So...MAO--there is room for the kids for sure..)
24 Cimino, Stephenson, McMillan 6 people

As far as schedule----
Friday--arrive----jamming after dinner. I've only had one person interested in a pot luck, so we won't do it but how about sharing snacks/dessert after dinner?

Saturday 11 AM workshop at site 19 with Rick.
Who's up for a "teach a tune" at around 1:30? If we can get 3 people to teach a tune, that would be fun. Kris? Mike? Matt??
You'd spend 20 minutes teaching a tune to a small group--then we rotate. If someone needs more time, they stay with one "teacher"
Talent show (dulcimer and non dulcimer) aprox 7 PM

Sunday--tune sharing and departure

Let me know if you have questions or suggestions

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