Thursday, July 10, 2008


Post your ideas for fun things to do on this thread by making a comment.

We will have a talent show/open mike combo on Saturday.

Should we have a "share my dulcimer" session where we get to talk about our indivdual instruments and test each other's out?

Have a formal time to have members "teach a tune"?

Descend upon Leavenworth and do a mini jam?

Would love to hear your thoughts!


dulcigal said...

Yes to all of those...!

Soylent Media said...

Mini-jam in Leavenworth sounds fun and that gets my vote for sure!

One thing to be aware of first: often, in small tourist towns like this, the city is VERY regimented as to busking. As an example, in Sisters Oregon (another tourist town with a theme), busking as absolutely NOT allowed anywhere unless you get prior permission from a property owner. Here the City forbids all busking on city property (parks etc) without a license and they don't give out licenses unless its to an event such as Folk Fest, Jazz Fest, Starry nights etc. I don't know what the restrictions are for Leavenworth, but I would be surprised if they weren't similar. The Leavenworth Chamber would know.
